Thursday, April 28, 2022

Windows Server 2016 Download / Configuration / Korean Settings


1. Download Windows Server 2016 iso file

Connect to the following Microsoft site.

Select the Windows Server 2016 you want to download.

2. VMware Workstation 에서 올리기

Select  "Create a New Virtual Machine"

 Select  'I will install the operating system later'

Select  Microsoft Windows 

Change Version to Windows Server 2016.

After [Finish] above, go to the CD/DVD tab before booting the VM.
Find the ISO path you downloaded earlier.

After setting, power on Windows Server 2016.

Since I am Korean, select Korean in 'Time and currency format'.
Then Keyboard Type is automatically changed to Korean PC~.

Click [Next] and click the [Install now] button to install.

The GUI cannot be used unless the Desktop environment is selected.

Check I accept the license terms. > [Next]

Select install instead of upgrade

Drive Just [Next]

Finally, the installation progressed!!

After installation, you will be prompted to change your password. Press [ok],

Enter a new password.

The first screen appears.
Ctrl + Alt + D is the button below.

3. change to korean

After running Control Panel, click 'Add a language'.

Click Options.

Select  "Download and install language pack"

When the download is finished

Click 'Change date, time, or number formats' in the left menu.

Region Window > Select Administrative tab > Click Copy settings

If you check both checkboxes at the bottom, the setting changes to Korean.

Click the [ok] button > Click Restart now

After rebooting, finally the Korean menu !!

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